Tuesday, March 6

That awkward moment when a university forgets to update your evaluation profile...

... And sends you an acceptance letter the day after you fire them off an e-mail asking about it.

Did this really happen? My computer says yes, so, erm.  Right.
Regardless, thank you, York.

It still hasn't really sunk in that I've been accepted.  I mean, I went to the audition evaluation not really knowing what to expect; when I first arrived, it was all rather overwhelming.  There were 52 applicants on that day alone, and we were told that there would be over 800 in total - of those, 150 would be accepted to the Theatre program.

And I made it.

I.  Wow.  

This program is one of two in the world - in the way that they have it structured (the other's in RUSSIA, okay?) - and they want me.  It's immensely flattering.  

I can't even express how pleased I am about this.  I did admittedly, originally have my doubts about York, because of things that I've heard: that it's in a sketchy part of Toronto, that it's dangerous, the staff striking issues, etc.  But going there for real really does change your perspective, I think.  I could see myself there very happily.  Which makes things hard, because all four schools I applied to are basically neck-in-neck, in regards to me accepting an offer.

It's a bit stressful, because I haven't even had my other two auditions, and I'm already having trouble picking one above all the rest.  If I get offers from U of T and/or Concordia, I will really be in a pickle.

But I'm not worrying about that right now.  Right now, I'm curled up in my duvet nest, with the new F+tM album on the stereo (well, not really so new anymore, but I only got it on disc last weekend), just letting the euphoria hit me over and over again.  

I think I've strained my face muscles from smiling so much.

And I keep checking my York MyFile, just to read it over again.

Cheers, darlings, I really, really hope everyone's feeling as good as I am right now.  And if you aren't, I'm sending you oodles of good energy.

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