Tuesday, February 26

Research, research, research (with a few silly things people used to wear), and a Vogue dressmaking guide from 1957, which has taken the cake as probably the coolest present I've ever received from my favouritest roommate ever.

&t. The view from our window:
 Toronto, what is this!?

Wednesday, February 20

Reading Week, and my professors took that quite literally.  I've got an absolute mountain of material to get through, and for the most part, I'm being horrible and haven't even started.  

Mama gave me a belated Valentine's Day gift, because she didn't think it would reach me by post before I came home, and doesn't she just know me so well! The skirt I've been working on the past few days (instead of actual work... oops?) is coming along nicely, and I was pleased to discover that taffeta is a dream to work with, it's penchant for holding creases and wrinkles notwithstanding.