Monday, April 9

Easter Weekend!

Well, the last day of it, anyway.  It was incredibly lovely to have four days off, especially since last week, we started Act runs for ZP, and school-wise, I handed in two essays (French, World Issues), a quotation test on Hamlet, and Module 15 (of 20) for English.  So, the calm after the storm is much appreciated.

And I've been taking full advantage of it.  Meaning I've done nothing but sit on the couch, read, watch a few movies, rewatch Series 2 of Sherlock and dig out my DS and continue Pokemon White.  I think the only productive thing I did was get my driving lessons finished (finally!).  Other than that, it's been pure lethargy.  Wonderful.

Next week, I figure, will be pretty lax, seeing as I'm only at school for three days - Monday off, then Thursday I'm off to U of T for 8:30, and then after that audition I head straight to Hamilton Place for Halton Showcase (which'll be great fun, but also means that Sephton's had to re-arrange rehearsals).

Speaking of, I can't remember what the last update I made about universities was, but in any case, if I've already posted about it, I apologise, BUT I'M JUST SO CHUFFED.  That is, I've been accepted to all three of my Ontarian universities.  I do have still have auditions this week for the U of T Drama program, and then two weeks Friday I'm off to Concordia, but I still get smiley and bubbly whenever I look at the acceptance letters on my desk.  It's a pretty wonderful feeling.

On a slightly less egomaniacal note, I finally got the canvases I did up for my room hung, and I'm pretty pleased with the end result:

The speech bubble canvas isn't quite finished yet, because I haven't gotten around to getting a white paint marker (Michael's was out the last time I was there...), but it'll eventually end up reading "The universe is unfolding as it should."  One of my very favourite lines from Max Ehrmann's Desiderata.

And that's the life right now.  Nothing terribly exciting, but I'm getting more and more excited (and a little saddened) as the days go by that this'll be my last year in high school, and I'll be on to (hopefully) bigger and better things next year.  It's thrilling, but still intimidating.  I like the feeling.  I hope everyone had a marvellous Easter break - that you spent it in good company and ate lots of good food.

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